Building Permits

Does a landlord need to get permission from the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) before any construction or alteration is done in the building or even in individual apartments? YES!


The landlord must apply to DOB for a permit that describes what kind of construction, demolition, alteration or project will be done and has met all DOB’s necessary requirements and complies with the Building Code and Zoning rules.


Plans for a project must be submitted and approved before the permit will be issued.  A building permit must be displayed on the front door of the building while the work is being done.  If there is no permit on display no work should be happening.  If work is being done and no permit is on display call 311 and report the issue.  An inspector will come out and issue a STOP WORK ORDER and the landlord will have to apply for a permit and cannot resume work until a permit is issued.


Every permit has an expiration date. If the work is not completed by that date, the landlord will have to apply for an extension. Check to see what the expiration date is, and if the permit has expired call 311 and let them know.


The permit is meant to protect building residents from exposure to extreme noise, dust and chemicals but DOB doesn’t inspect buildings where residents have not called to let them know that the rules are not being followed.  If you are not certain what you should do call us at Central Astoria LDC 718-204-1056 and we will walk you through what steps you should take.





Security Deposit


Pet Laws