Annual Building Notices
January is the time of year that landlords of buildings or the management companies for buildings send every tenant 3 important notices;
Annual Lead Paint Notice
Window Guard Notice
Fire Safety Information Notice
When the tenant receives them they are required to respond.
The idea is that we all need to be reminded about this important safety information.
If you have children you need to be aware of the potentially dangerous peeling paint issue. If the building is old the paint might have lead in it. That is dangerous for young children if they come in contact with the paint chips. Ask your landlord if the lead paint has been remediated in your apartment.
If you have children living with you OR visiting you, you have the right to ask your landlord to install window guards.
Fire Safety is something everyone needs to be aware of. The Fire Safety Information is meant to inform you of the Safety Plan for your individual building.
You will be asked to reply to the documents that were sent to you so that the landlord has proof that you were given this important information. Simply follow the directions that are enclosed.
*The same safety information will also be attached to your Renewal Lease.
For questions, call Central Astoria at 718-204-1056.